
Making Connections with Government Buyers

Fedbiz Access Season 4 Episode 54

The latest FedBiz'5 episode, featuring Jesse Sherr and Frank Krebs, offers a deep dive into engaging with government buyers and contracting officers—crucial for anyone looking to make headway in this sector.

Understanding the importance of initial contact with government buyers is vital. Frank Krebs emphasizes that this first step is about building a connection and understanding government needs, rather than just selling. It's crucial for small businesses to align their solutions with government priorities proactively, as waiting until opportunities are formally announced can be too late.

Preparation is key; knowing an agency's mission and how your business can contribute is fundamental. Approach these opportunities with a partnership mindset, respecting the buyer's time and clearly understanding their needs. This sets the stage for a fruitful conversation and establishes a base for potential collaboration.

Krebs also highlights the importance of relationship building in this sector. Trust and reliability are paramount, as government buyers prefer to work with familiar and proven vendors. Just like returning to a favored restaurant, government buyers tend to stick with vendors who have made positive impressions in the past.

The discussion extends beyond initial meetings, emphasizing the necessity of maintaining open lines of communication. Being seen as a resource, subject matter expert, and partner is essential for forging lasting relationships.

The episode leaves us with several takeaways:

  • Establishing a genuine connection is more crucial than selling.
  • Proactive engagement and alignment with government needs are essential.
  • In-depth preparation and a partnership approach are key.
  • Building and maintaining relationships are central to long-term success.

This journey into government contracting is about learning, adapting, and building connections. While the process can be challenging, the right approach and resources, like coaching from a FedBiz Specialist, can make navigating this landscape much more manageable.

Thank you for joining us on FedBiz'5. Here's to your success in the ever-evolving world of government contracting!

Stay Connected:

Jesse Sherr  00:02

My name is Jesse and I work with small businesses in the Government Marketplace. You're listening to FedBiz'5, where you get informed, get connected, and get results on everything government contracting. 

Jesse Sherr  00:13

 Hello, and welcome to another episode of FedBiz'5. This episode, we're diving into a crucial topic for small businesses venturing into government contracting, engaging government buyers slash contracting officers - What to ask and why it is important. Our very own government contracting specialist Frank Krebs is here to discuss. Welcome back, Frank. 

Frank Krebs  00:36

Hey thanks, Jesse. It's great to be here and help demystify the process of engaging with those who hold the purse strings and government contracting.

Jesse Sherr  00:47

So, Frank, for a small business making that first contact with a government buyer can be well, it can be daunting. Why is this step so critical?

Frank Krebs  00:56

Jesse, it's all about making a connection. These buyers and contracting officers are your gateway to understanding what the government needs and how you can help fulfill those needs. It's not just about selling, it's about solving problems for these buyers.

Jesse Sherr  01:14

That is definitely a powerful perspective. So what should these businesses be asking during these engagements? 

Frank Krebs  01:22

First off, you need to understand the government's challenges and priorities. It's about aligning your solutions with their needs. Remember, you want to reach out to these individuals before they post a contract. You want to get insights into upcoming opportunities that might be a good fit for your business. So, you need to prepare in advance because if you wait until a contract opportunity is released, you are most likely going to be too late. 

Jesse Sherr  01:54

Preparation is definitely half of the battle. So, any tips on how to make these conversations as fruitful as possible? 

Frank Krebs  02:02

Absolutely. Doing your research is key. Know the agency's mission, know how your business can add value and approach them with a partnership mindset. Always, always,  be respectful of their time.

Jesse Sherr  02:18

Oh, absolutely. Respect goes a long way. Now, Frank, could you touch on the importance of building a relationship with these officials? 

Frank Krebs  02:27

Sure, Jesse. Building a solid relationship can lead to ongoing contracts, and opportunities for your business. It's about establishing trust, and proving your reliability. These relationships can be your most valuable asset within the government marketplace. Government buyers are just like you and I, we want to deal with people  and with firms that we know. 

Frank Krebs  02:55

Why do you go back to your favorite restaurant? Most likely, because you had a good first impression and often because the server or bartender treated you well, and you enjoyed your meal. Well, you remember that and you go back for that reason. Government buyers, when given the opportunity, will go back to those they know, those who treated them well, and those that respected them. So, in this way government contracting is very similar to the commercial world. It is as much as who you know, and who you trust, as it is what you know.

Jesse Sherr  03:31

Yes, trust and reliability is the foundation of any good relationship. Any parting advice for our listeners?

Frank Krebs  03:38

Yes, keep the lines of communication open. Engage the buyers regularly, not just when there's an open bid opportunity. You need to be seen as a resource, as a subject matter expert, AND as a partner. That's how you build lasting relationships in this field. Remember, these buyers put their pants on one leg at a time, as well.

Jesse Sherr  04:07

Right, right. That's very good, fantastic advice. Frank, thank you for sharing your insights with us today on FedBiz'5. Until next time. 

Frank Krebs  04:15

Hey, it was my pleasure and thanks for having me. I look forward to our next episode.

Jesse Sherr  04:20

You got it! Thank you to our listeners for joining us. Remember, engaging with government buyers and contracting officers is your first step towards success in the federal marketplace. 

Jesse Sherr  04:29

Thank you for listening to FedBiz'5, where you get informed, get connected, and get results on everything government contracting. Today's podcast is sponsored by FedBiz Access, government contracting made simple. Visit them at fedbizaccess.com or contact them at 888-299-4498.