
ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence Impact for Government Contractors | Episode 43

Fedbiz Access Season 3 Episode 43

The implications of ChatGPT and AI for the federal contracting industry are significant. By automating time-consuming tasks like proposal development and contract management, contractors can focus on more strategic aspects of their business, such as identifying new opportunities and building relationships.

In this episode we host the Marketing Director for FedBiz Access, Ryan Sherr, to explore the impact of ChatGPT and AI on the government contracting landscape. We'll examine ChatGPT, its potential uses in government contracting, and how it's poised to revolutionize the industry.

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI based on the GPT-4 architecture. It utilizes AI to understand and generate human-like text, making it a powerful tool for a variety of applications, from content generation to customer support. In government contracting, ChatGPT has the potential to impact three key areas:

  1. Proposal Writing and Review - ChatGPT can streamline the proposal development process by generating coherent content based on requirements. Additionally, it can help review proposals for errors and suggest improvements, saving contractors valuable time and resources.
  2. Contract Analysis and Management - ChatGPT can help contractors extract key information and automate tasks like sending notifications for upcoming deadlines, ensuring compliance, and reducing risks associated with missed deadlines or overlooked obligations.
  3. Customer Support and Communications - ChatGPT can assist in automating responses to common inquiries, providing accurate information, and managing communications with various stakeholders. This can lead to faster response times, increased efficiency, and improved relationships with clients and partners.

    The assistance of ChatGPT can reduce human error, increasing compliance and improving risk management. 

What does this mean for the federal contracting?

Increased Efficiency
- Automating time-consuming tasks like proposal development and contract management, government contractors can focus on more strategic aspects of their business, like identifying new opportunities and building relationships.

Improved Accuracy
- As I noted earlier, with the assistance of ChatGPT, contractors can reduce human error in critical areas like proposal writing and contract analysis, which would lead to increased compliance and better risk management.

Competitive Advantage - If you're not adopting this technology in your day-to-day business now, you need to be doing so. If it's not you, have someone on staff become your ‘AI Aficionado’. Have them learn the ins-and-outs of ChatGPT. They'll enable you to deliver more accurate and efficient services to your clients.

Workforce Shift - There's going to be a shift in the workforce with the growing demand for professionals with AI and tech skills. It's crucial for government contractors to invest in upskilling their employees to stay competitive in the changing landscape.

ChatGPT and AI are set to revolutionize the world of government contracting. Businesses must embrace this technology to remain competitive. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see what other exciting developments emerge, and how they will further impact the government contractin

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Transcription | FedBiz'5 Podcast | Episode 43
ChatGPT Impact for Government Contractors

Jesse Sherr 00:02
My name is Jesse and I work with small businesses in the Government Marketplace. You're listening to FedBiz'5, where you get informed, get connected, and get results on everything government contracting.

Jesse Sherr 00:18
Hello, and welcome to another episode of FedBiz'5! In today's episode, we're diving into the fascinating world of AI. More specifically ChatGPT and how it's set to transform the government contracting landscape. We'll discuss what ChatGPT is, its applications in government contracting and the implications for the industry. 

Jesse Sherr 00:39
We have FedBiz Access's Director of Marketing, Ryan Sherr, to discuss. Welcome Ryan! 

Ryan Sherr 00:45
Thanks, Jesse! Appreciate you having me on today. 

Jesse Sherr 00:47
Happy to have you! So, let's begin with a quick introduction to ChatGPT, what's the skinny?

Ryan Sherr 00:53
Most people may not need an introduction to this today, because if you open your web browser, you're going to run across chatter about ChatGPT but, in short, it's developed by OpenAI, it's an advanced language model that uses the power of AI to understand and generate human-like text. It's based on the GPT-4 architecture and designed to provide highly accurate responses to user input, which makes it an incredibly powerful tool for a wide range of applications from customer support to content generation. 

Jesse Sherr 01:24
All right, thank you. Now that we have a basic understanding of ChatGPT, let's dive into how it's revolutionizing the world of government contracting. So, you've identified three key areas where ChatGPT, and AI can make a significant impact. Would you mind sharing them with us? 

Ryan Sherr 01:43
These are the three key areas that I've identified where ChatGPT can make the biggest impact. That would be Proposal Writing and Review, Proposal Development and Review. Writing proposals obviously very time consuming, labor intensive, intricate requirements. Strick deadlines, with ChatGPT, government contractors can streamline the proposal development process entering accurate and coherent content based on a set of requirements. Moreover, ChatGPT can be used to review proposals spotting potential errors and offering suggestions for improvement.

Ryan Sherr 02:17
Second, Contract Analysis and Management. Managing contracts can be a complex and daunting task as we all know, given the legal and regulatory complexities involved, ChatGPT can help government contractors analyze contracts and extract essential information such as key dates, deliverables terms. Additionally, it can help automate the contract management tasks like sending notifications for upcoming deadlines, ensuring compliance, and reducing risks associated with missed deadlines or overlooked obligations. 

Ryan Sherr 02:47
Third, Customer Support and Communications. As government contractors deal with a variety of stakeholders, including government agencies and subcontractors, effective communication is always crucial. ChatGPT can help with information and support by automating responses to common inquiries, providing accurate information, and assisting in managing communications with various parties. This can lead to faster response times, increased efficiency, and improve relationships with both clients and partners. 

Jesse Sherr 03:20
So, what does this mean for the federal contracting industry? 

Ryan Sherr 03:23
Well, there are some major implications to consider. I would say... 

Ryan Sherr 03:27
Increased Efficiency: Automating time-consuming tasks like proposal development and contract management, government contractors can focus on more strategic aspects of their business, like identifying new opportunities and building relationships. 

Ryan Sherr 03:42
Improve Accuracy: As I noted earlier, with the assistance of ChatGPT, contractors can reduce human error in critical areas like proposal writing and contract analysis, which would lead to increased compliance and better risk management. 

Ryan Sherr 03:57
Competitive Advantage: If you're not adopting this technology in your day-to-day now, you need to be doing it. If it's not you, have someone on staff become your AI aficionado. Have them learn ChatGPT in and out. They're going to be able to deliver more accurate efficient services to clients. 

Ryan Sherr 04:16
Workforce Shift: There's going to be a shift in the workforce with the growing demand for professionals with AI and tech skills. So, it's crucial for government contractors to invest in upskilling their employees or themselves to stay competitive in the changing landscape. All right, it's time to jump on the train, get acclimated, start implementing it in your day to day. 

Jesse Sherr 04:34
Yeah, it makes sense to me. In conclusion, it's apparent that ChatGPT and AI are set to revolutionize the world of government contracting. 

Ryan Sherr 04:45
It's pretty awesome stuff! And so far, they haven't created a version that can replace podcast hosts. So, I think you're okay for at least a little while. Right. 

Jesse Sherr 04:54
All right. Well, thank you again for coming on, Ryan! Maybe we'll have you back to further discuss in the future.

Ryan Sherr 05:00
Yeah, I think we should because as we all know, it's going to keep evolving and changing. So, six months from now, we should do a little rehash and see where we're at. 

Jesse Sherr 05:07
Absolutely and happy to have you! Take care and we'll catch you next time. 

Ryan Sherr 05:12
Thanks a lot, Jesse!

Jesse Sherr 05:14
This concludes this week's episode of FedBiz'5, where you get informed, get connected, and get results.

Jesse Sherr 05:24
Today's podcast is sponsored by FedBiz Access, government contracting, made simple. Visit them at fedbizaccess.com or contact them at 888-299-4498