
Your Government Readiness Level - Part 1 | Episode 37

Fedbiz Access Season 2 Episode 37

Your Government Readiness Level (“GRL”) is your roadmap from registration to award. Did you win any awards in 2022? Make sure your foundation is set by following an established process known as your GRL.

In this episode we host Senior Government Contracting Specialist, Frank Krebs, to discuss your roadmap to government readiness by following a process for becoming a successful government contractor.

What is your Government Readiness Level?

Level 1: Get Registered and Optimized - SAM and DSBS

Level 2: Create Visibility for Market Exposure – Website Visibility & FedBiz Connect

 Level 3: Develop your Company Resume - Capability Statement

Level 4: Perform Targeted Market Research

Level 5: Become a Preferred Government Contractor

  • Get Certified Based on Your Socio-Economic Status
  • Get on the GSA Schedule for a 5-Year Contract with the Government

In Part 1 of our podcast, we discuss Levels 1 and 2 in more detail. To become a government contractor, you must first have proven success in the commercial world. You can't just wake up one morning and decide that you're going to become a government contractor and win awards on Day 1. 

Too many times businesses think, "Oh, I can just sell this, or I can sell that to the government," and then when I asked them, “Well how have you done selling that product in the commercial world?” They respond, "Well, I don't actually sell that product, but when I get the government contract, then I'll be selling and servicing the government with no problem." 

Well, here's a little secret, the government almost never contracts with a company that does not already have a successful commercial business and a track record of success. 

Level 1: Get Registered and Optimized - SAM and DSBS


Stay Connected:

Your Government Readiness Level - Part 1

Jesse Sherr  00:03

My name is Jesse and I work with small businesses in the Government Marketplace. 

Jesse Sherr  00:07

You're listening to FedBiz'5, where you get informed, get connected, and get results on everything government contracting. 

Jesse Sherr  00:16

Hello, and welcome to another episode of FedBiz'5. Today we will be talking about your company's government readiness level with Frank Krebs. Hi, Frank. 

Frank Krebs  00:24

Hey good morning, Jesse.

Jesse Sherr  00:25

All right, let's just jump right in. 

Frank Krebs  00:27

Sure Jesse.

Jesse Sherr  00:28

What is the government readiness level?

Frank Krebs  00:30

Level 1 - You need to get registered and optimize. This level allows you to actually receive government contracts.

Frank Krebs  00:30

Well at FedBiz Access, what we've done is broken down your ability to obtain government contracts into five levels, and what I'm going to do is discuss each in more detail later. But those five levels are:

Frank Krebs  00:44

Level 2 - Become visible and gain market exposure. 

Frank Krebs  00:51

Level 3 - You must develop your company resume.

Frank Krebs  01:03

Level 4 - Perform targeted market research.

Frank Krebs  01:07

Level 5 - Become a preferred government contractor.

Jesse Sherr  01:13

Right? Okay. So what you're saying is that government contracting is definitely a process and one that you shouldn't take lightly. Correct?

Frank Krebs  01:21

That is correct Jesse. 

Frank Krebs  01:23

Number one, you really can't wake up one morning and decide that you're going to become a government contractor. To become a government contractor, you must first become successful in the commercial world. Too many times I hear from folks, "Oh, I can just sell this, or I can sell that to the government." And then when I asked them, well how have you done selling that product in the commercial world? They tell me, "Well, I don't actually sell that product, but when I get the government contract, then I'll be selling, and I can sell it great." Well, here's a little secret, the government almost never contracts with a firm that does not already have a successful commercial operation and a track record of success. 

Frank Krebs  02:10

So, if you've already sold products or services, or are looking to expand into the government contracting market, this first level will get you registered in SAM (System for Award Management), which includes the DSBS. Now, the DSBS is the Dynamic Small Business Search. In the Dynamic Small Business Search, that's where your federal marketing record is. Now your SAM record contains your federal accounting record. 

Frank Krebs  02:42

SAM contains things like your login to the system, your core data, your taxpayer ID, your banking information, the NAICS, or NAICS codes, and product service codes that you work under, and your various points of contact. 

Frank Krebs  02:59

But it's the DSBS, your marketing record, that really needs to set your company apart. Because in there the information that is contained includes your location, any certifications you have, your website, your capability narrative, keywords, your bonding level, and your past performances. Okay, now those are absolutely critical. 

Frank Krebs  03:26

And your registration, when you do your SAM and DSBS, your registration must be accurate, it must be up to date, it must be aligned, it must also be optimized. It should make you competitive in the marketplace. You want to be visible, and you need to have that information verified. 

Frank Krebs  03:50

This is where using a professional service, like ours at FedBiz Access, becomes so important. Because we make sure that your registration is done right and provides the proper access and visibility to government buyers, as well as large businesses who may be looking for small business subcontracting partners. You want it done right, and you want it done right the first time. 

Frank Krebs  04:15

Now you can do it yourself. But just as you can do your taxes yourself, going to a professional ensures that it's done right and you get the maximum tax benefits. And while we don't have tax benefits within the SAM and DSBS record, we do want to make sure that your record is visible, and it's optimized and competitive, which will increase your chances for contract awards.

Jesse Sherr  04:40

Right. You know, I completely agree with you. Utilizing a professional service, especially when you're first starting out is money well spent, in my opinion. You know, saves the business owner considerable time researching information as well. So Frank, what about the next level?

Frank Krebs  04:57

All right, the next level which is Level 2 is where at FedBiz access, we have created a business profile for our clients. And that profile is maintained on FedBizConnect.com. Now this is a searchable database that we developed specifically for government buyers, contracting officers and large prime contractors so they can search for small businesses to fill certain business needs. 

Frank Krebs  05:27

Now you see government contracting officers are required by the FAR, which is the Federal Acquisition Register, to take advantage of all commercially available market research methods in order to identify capabilities of small businesses within the contracting market. FedBiz Connect provides the search capability for government buyers that are looking for and looking to utilize an identifying database of small businesses. 

Frank Krebs  05:59

Prime contractors will also utilize the search capability on the site because all major government contracts include a small business subcontracting plan that these large firms have to complete as part of their proposal submission. They are constantly looking for small businesses with certain expertise in areas that they can utilize within these contracts, and they need a way to find these businesses. FedBiz Connect provides that resource to these large businesses. 

Frank Krebs  06:34

Okay, so remember, federal contracting officers as well as prime contractors will buy from small businesses they know. So, to make sure they know who you are, and how to reach you. You need to get listed and get connected to get results.

Jesse Sherr  06:53

Frank, I appreciate this. That's two levels. We're going to have to come back and finish these up at a later date. And you will be back to discuss that right?

Frank Krebs  07:02

Absolutely Jesse, look forward to it. 

Frank Krebs  07:04

Wonderful. So glad to have you again. Thank you so much, and this concludes part one of the 'Knowing Your Government Readiness Level. 

Jesse Sherr  07:12

This concludes this week's episode of FedBiz'5, where you get informed, get connected, and get results. 

Jesse Sherr  07:22

Today's podcast is sponsored by FedBiz Access, government contracting made simple.

Jesse Sherr  07:28

Visit them at FedBizAccess.com or contact them at 888-299-4498.